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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

ViBGYOR international film festival entries closes on November 15 2010

The  sixth edition of ViBGYOR international film festival for short films and will be held at Sangeet Nataka Academy , Regional Theater Akademi on January 12 to 16 . This  year’s ViBGYOR is dedicated to late C.Saratchandran, the noted filmmaker, activist  and an active  ViBGYOR The focus of this years Film festival is political film making & media activism in south east Asia. Anand Padvardhan is the festival Director for this year’s  VIBGYOR.

Around 100 films will be screened at ViBGYOR 2011. Interested film makers can submit their recent films (Documentaries/Short Fiction/Animations/ Music Videos/Spots) to ViBGYOR which will be selected by a eminent jury panel for the final film screening.

The last date of submission of the films is on November 15. Entry forms can be downloaded from here. 

Send queries to vibgyorfilmfest@gmail.com or contact ViBGYOR Film Collective directly: +919809477058/ +91 487-2323590
For more details log on to ViBGYOR webpage. 

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